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Kind review of the staff at Kimberley Beeches.

To who it may concern,

I hope that I am not imposing by emailing to this email address, there was a notice on the board in the staff room addressed to staff, residents and residents family and friends this had an email address on that said it could be used to contact Kimberley Care Village in the event of any queries.

When visiting my friend who is in the beeches community I met a lovely young lady called Kat - I had originally asked her if that was her full name she said no, it was Kathrine and she was happy for me to call her by this.

She explained that Margaret was in the lounge and had been sat watching tv with the other residents, I asked for a moment of her time and she happily obliged, I asked her how Margaret was and she explained how she had been and what she had been up to and that Margaret had enjoyed walking around the community as previously when visiting Margaret had been struggling to walk.

I then asked if it would be possible for Margaret to come to her bedroom for me to visit her, she explained that she could ask Margaret if this is what she would like to do and if she agreed she would assist her to her bedroom, if not she would make sure I had a chair next to Margaret so that I could be with her. As it happened Margaret was happy to come to her room. When arriving at the room it looked clean and tidy, Margaret went to sit in her chair and Kathrine offered to bring me a chair, which I agreed to. On arriving back to the room Kathrine went onto offer myself and Margaret a cup of tea, when coming back with a cup of tea, she had also supplied biscuits, Margaret was over the moon with this. Before leaving the room she asked if there was anything else she could get for us before she left. I said no.

When the time came to leave Kathrine walked me out of the building, I had become upset due to not wanting to leave Margaret. Kathrine was very supportive and reassuring during this time.

I just wanted to let you that you have an amazing staff member. Who not only showed respect for Margaret, along with dignity and care but for my self also. I can not wait for my next visit and interaction, Kathrine made my experience on beeches community with Margaret very comfortable and she is a credit to the care home. I hope you can pass on my praise to Kathrine.

Yours sincerely




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